Color psychology impacts our daily lives


The favored painter, Wassily Kandinsky said that, “Color is a power which directly influences the soul.” 

This can be in ways that mess with our minds, in either positive or negative ways.

Color affects all living things in their everyday lives in ways that most don’t pay attention to.

An example of color psychology that is well known is the tradition of wearing black to a funeral. The color black in this case, is associated with feelings of grief, mourning and sadness. Clothing is only one of the ways color affects us.

Color is also used to sell products in marketing, because of the way it affects moods, and even goes so far as to affect blood pressure, according to Paint Color Psychology.

It affects our decision making, our communication and much more. According to the article, “Color Psychology”, the following are ways in which colors are connected to our everyday lives.

Red is the most intense color, it catches peoples attention and is the base of many food industries to enhance appetite. Other things the color red is associated with is energy, war, power, desire, love, passion and most commonly danger.

Yellow is one of the more positive colors, associated with happiness, intelligence and optimism. In the article “The Psychology of Color and Their Meanings” from Color Psychology, it states that studies have shown that the color yellow is associated with left brain thinking which promotes rational thinking. The light bulb is associated with having new ideas, inspired from the color yellow.

Orange is a mix of both the yellow and red characteristics. Orange is the color of social communication and adventure. Those who favor the color orange are probably on the more social side and extroverted. Traits associated with oranges are enthusiasm, rejuvenation and courage.

The way that colors work in our brain has a large impact on the way we live. Positive and negative colors can take up a lot of our emotions and the walks we take through our life.

Featured image: Artistic depiction of a brain with multiple colors. Image was created using (ANGELA MOAWAD/ Ethic News image)

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